Viral Traffic Games

If you use traffic exchanges or viral mailers, Viral Traffic Games is the right place to be.

More than 440 Exchanges and Mailer are Showing the VTG Game and you can promote your ads on all of them.

Viral Traffic Games was created to give you extra benefits and a new experience while promoting and using these tools.

Traffic exchanges and viral mailers are excellent tools to increase website traffic and now you can get more out of them.

Play games across traffic exchanges and viral mailers while surfing or reading emails.

Win cash prizes and advertising with no extra effort.

Join in the fun at Viral Traffic Games.

Viral Traffic Games is the most amazing multi-site game developed for traffic exchanges and viral mailers.

  • Compete Against Members Online
  • Collect Items For Extra Advertising
  • Play the Game at Any Site Participating
  • Win Prizes on the Weekly Tournament
  • Advertise in Multiple Sites
  • And Much More

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